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Members of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv’ persecuted in the State University of Transnistria

As ‘Lenta PMR’ news agency got to know, by the order of the director Stepan Beril the University security service in cooperation with the state security bodies ascertains those students and professors who are the members of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv’.The vice-chairman of the Youth Parliament of Transnistria, activist of the Democratic Party 'Proriv' Olga Ievleva described this actual situation as ‘The start of the witch-hunt season’.

English // 15:59, 4 октября 2011 // 2417

The Independence day celebration showed the unity of reformatory forces

On September 2 in the city of Tiraspol democratic parties ‘Proriv’, ‘Obnovleniye’ and Liberal Democratic party of Transnistria held an unique and spectacular procession ‘For Changes!’ timed to the Independence Day. The ideology of the event met the political trend of this year: society supports change of the incumbent authorities (the incumbent president Igor Smirnov has been leading Transnistria since its secession from Moldova - 20 years) and wants democratic reformatory forces to come into power.

English // 15:55, 4 октября 2011 // 2137

General overview on the history and a current situation in Transnistria

The struggle for independence from Moldova united the population in Transnistria, because people could not live anymore in the same area with nationalists who started speaking openly about their hate towards Russian language, Slavonic history and culture and abasing Slavs in 90-s. Nowdays current economic political and social stagnation makes people fight for their future not with an external ennemy but with their own authorities. The acual government in Transnistria became a real opponent to those citizens who are patriots and want their motheland to be prosperous.

English // 15:07, 4 октября 2011 // 4257

Transnistria strikes for democracy

Transnistria is trying to establish democracy after long-running monopoly of political leadership. But one of the most fundamental European values – freedom of speech and belief – is ignored by the authorities in Transnistria! In July/August 'Proriv' was being regularly attacked by the police which displayed the abuse of power.

English // 14:40, 4 октября 2011 // 2120

«PRORIV!» congratulates Transnistrian happy New Year!

altDear friends! 2010 comes. On the eve of a New Year's holiday it is accepted to sum up the ending year and to plan the future. Looking back, we can safety say, the ending year was lived knowingly.
English // 12:22, 31 декабря 2009 // 2913

«PRORIV!» congratulates Catholics on a Christmas

altThe IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" and I congratulate all of you on a light holiday - Catholic Christmas! Catholic Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays; it is the state holiday more than in 100 countries all over the world.
English // 10:24, 25 декабря 2009 // 3130