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«PRORIV!» congratulates Transnistrian happy New Year!

English // 12:22, 31 декабря 2009 // 2913
altDear friends! 2010 comes. On the eve of a New Year's holiday it is accepted to sum up the ending year and to plan the future. Looking back, we can safety say, the ending year was lived knowingly. 2009 was very sated - we have worried both pleasure of victories and bitterness of disappointments – all emotions which are given to people by life. In spite of those shocks endured by Transnistria we have saved the most important thing – the independence of the state and stability in a society. The ending year has shown once again to the world that Transnistrian choose the way of the peace and creation.

Coming year depends on our tendency and desire to make the native land strong and prospering. The success is possible only with active teamwork, interaction of a society and all branches of the power. We are expected by many important events. The future - stability and development perspectives for some years forwards - depends on their realizing. I wish nobody was frightened by future changes and conversions.

In coming year gathering of our efforts will help to strengthen Transnistria, to make our citizens' life successful.

2010 should become a year of development, consent and of the creative working for our Native land. I wish New Year gave prosperity, fulfillment of treasured dream everybody, strengthened belief in the future, and the success accompanied with all undertakings always and in all.

Dear Transnistrian! The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" and I personally congratulate everybody Happy New Year 2010! I would like to assure you, «PRORIV!» will continue consecutive working on strengthening of Transnistrian statehood and rapprochement with Russia in the next year. We will defend social justice rules, to protect interests of simple people – ordinary Transnistrian as before. Our republic keeps on their shoulders. We plans to strengthen the working with youth which needs it as the youth have never needed. We will give to high generation heat of our hearts, respect and support in all difficult reality situations. Transnistrian will see again the brightest actions of "PRORIV!" in support of Russia and Transnistria. Our movement was always famous by these actions.
I wish a sound health and mutual understanding for you and your relatives! I wish peace, love, harmony and prosperity did not leave your houses. Dear comparisons, Happy New Year!


altYours faithfully leader of The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" Dmitry Soin.