События в политике, обществе, спорте. Сводка происшествий. Интервью
iа.tirаs.ru@gmаil.соm // адрес редакции

The day of the Constitution in Russia is celebrated in Tiraspol

altAccording to news agency «Lenta PMR», December, the 12th, since 12 p.m. in Transnistrian capital Tiraspol the youth from The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" has been holding the celebratory actions of the Constitution day of Russia.
English // 09:51, 13 декабря 2009 // 3091

The Constitution day of Russia has come to the end with automobile race in Tiraspol!

altMore than fifty cars have proceeded on the central streets of capital of The DMR under the flags of Transnistria, Russia, The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" and «Molodaya Gvardiya Edinoi Rossii». It was the finishing act of celebrating of the Constitution day of Russia in Transnistria. As it was informed earlier, organizers of celebratory actions have been Transnistrian «PRORIV!» and the all-Russian youth movement «Molodaya Gvardiya Edinoi Rossii».
English // 13:27, 12 декабря 2009 // 3224

The Constitution day of Russia is our Transnistrian holiday too!

altThe IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" congratulates citizens of Russia on the Constitution day of the Russian Federation. December, the 12th, 1993 is the significant date in the history of Russia. This day the Constitution of the Russian Federation has been accepted, which fixed the independence of Russia and it has defined ways of the further development of the sovereign state.
English // 11:39, 12 декабря 2009 // 3708

Transnistrian have felt the unity with Russia in the Constitution day of the Russian Federation!

altAliana Arshinova, the leader of The IYC "PRORIV!", has acted on celebratory meeting of "Molodaya Gvardiya Edinoi Rossii" devoted to the Constitution day of Russia in Moscow. December, the 12th, 12 p.m. more than 1000 participants of "Molodaya Gvardiya Edinoi Rossii" went to the meeting "Rossiya bez krainostei": against Nazism and anarchy, for humanization of a society and modernization of the country.
English // 11:00, 12 декабря 2009 // 3559

Besesku and Yushchenko: two destinies of "orange" presidents

altAt times it happens the surprising history. The Ukrainian president Victor Yushchenko and its Romanian colleague Trayan Besesku became presidents nearly at the same time. Moreover, there is a lot of similar in their political destiny.
English // 11:02, 11 декабря 2009 // 3364

The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!": the human rights should be firm and they be observed strictly

altDecember, the 10th, was 61 last the acceptance of the General Declaration of human rights by the UNO. This document proclaims the rights of the person, the civil and political rights and freedoms, that is to say equality of all before the law, everyone's rights to freedom and inviolability of person, a freedom of worship and other integral human rights.
English // 13:17, 10 декабря 2009 // 3252

Is Transnistria on the eve of political shocks?

altThe largest Transnistrian political party "Obnovlenie" declares possibility of mass protest actions. In the view of analysts of the Transnistrian sociological information and analytical "S-Centre", the probability of considerable activization of the internal political life is looked through. Such conclusions are result from the analysis of last statements of "Obnovlenie", party of the parliamentary majority.

English // 13:04, 10 декабря 2009 // 2680

Stanislaw Belkovsky: Bucharest declares independence of Transnistria one of the first

altOn the pages of IA "Lenta PMR" Stanislaw Belkovsky, the political scientist, analyst and social philosopher tells their views to the European prospects of RM, he estimates possibilities of association of Moldova and Romania and also predicts a reality of the recognition of independence of Transnistria and prognoses the ways out of the constitutional crisis in Tiraspol.
English // 17:08, 9 декабря 2009 // 2894

How Belyaev, Sazonov and the journalists, seduced by them, compromise TV PMR

altThere is a visual example of falsification of the information by the State TV of Transnistria which is offered to your attention.  There is a problem of the long-term information blockade to pro-Russian mass social and political movement "PRORIV!" in the centre of attention.
English // 15:45, 8 декабря 2009 // 2835