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Che Guevara High School of Political Leadership joined the treaty ‘Together with Russia’

English // 15:22, 4 октября 2011 // 2568

In Tiraspol the press-conference timed to resumption of the work of the Che Guevara High School of Political Leadership was recently held. Now the School will function in a completely new format.


This educational establishment is the core of the IYC-PDP ‘Proriv’ and was founded to provide training for the young political activists, forming new leaders and elite. As declared, The Che Guevara High School’s accession to the treaty ‘Together with Russia’ means that the party and the youth organization ‘Proriv’ seeks to cooperate with Russia in educating active, politically literate and conscious youth.


According to the director of the School and the deputy Dmitriy Soin the main difference between the Che Guevara High School and other similar educational establishments consists in teaching real political technologies and providing practice of learnt skills. During the press-conference participants expressed their hope for a further effective functioning of the School.


It is expected that this unique project of ‘Proriv’ will help not only Transnisrian boys and girls but also foreign volunteers to learn how to realize their potential and to apply their efforts to develop a strong, law-governed and democratic state.