События в политике, обществе, спорте. Сводка происшествий. Интервью
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Dmitry Soin: the way out the confrontation is illusive yet

altNovember 18th, 2009 the historical session to certain degree of The Supreme Soviet has taken place in Transnistria. The sharpest assesses have sounded for all history of The Dniester Moldavian Republic existence and political requirements to the president and its command were spoken by the representatives of the legislative power.
English // 12:11, 23 ноября 2009 // 3111

The population of Tiraspol is not ready for concerts large scale

altLast weekend at the central square of the city of Tiraspol was a concert of Russia's  star  Michael Shufutinski Russian and the world famous group BONEY M. As expected, to see and to listen the singers  gathered  to a lot of people of Tiraspol and guests of capital of the republic.  According to preliminary estimates not less than ten thousand people came to the central square of Tiraspol.
English // 21:08, 22 октября 2009 // 3518

The Moldavian alternatives: unification with Romania or system reboot

altReflexion of the political scientist, leader and ideologist of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" Dmitry Soin.
The term reboot was included into a modern political lexicon. Today it is necessary to hear much about reboot, for example of the international economic relations, world financial system or Russian-American cooperation much. However, revolving on events, last week happened in Moldova you begin to understand, that periodically reboot is required.
English // 14:10, 15 апреля 2009 // 3640

Anti-crisis marches have covered Transniestria!

altToday it became clear, that the wave of anti-crisis marches has covered Transniestria. Initiated by IYC -PDP "PRORIV!" they have already taken place in Rybnitsa, Dubossary, Grigoriopol, Tiraspol, Dnestrovsk and Slobodzeya. In the nearest future they will take place in Kamenka and Bendery and that will mean the coverage of all large cities in republic.
English // 09:26, 28 марта 2009 // 3506

New party in the new epoch

altInterview with the leader and ideologist of MMK-PDP "PRORIV!", candidate of sociological sciences Dmitry Soin.
English // 17:31, 17 марта 2009 // 3461

Alexander Gorelovsky: "PRORIV!" is still under informational blockade!

altAnti-crisis movement which has taken place on the 7th of March in Tiraspol again remained without attention of regional mass-media. Making comments on this situation, the chairman of People's Democratic Party "PRORIV!" Alexander Gorelovsky has declared the following: «We are not surprised by this fact.
English // 09:11, 10 марта 2009 // 3389

Anti-crisis March was held in Tiraspol!

altOn March, 7th the anti-crisis March was held in Tiraspol. The initiator o the march was "PRORIV!". The purpose of the action was to express position of civil society concerning catastrophic consequences of crisis.
English // 09:08, 9 марта 2009 // 3359