События в политике, обществе, спорте. Сводка происшествий. Интервью
iа.tirаs.ru@gmаil.соm // адрес редакции

PRORIV!" has condemned the bashing of synagogue in Bendery

altOn March, 1st unknown vandals have committed the bashing of synagogue in Bendery. Serious damage is caused to this cult premise, religious arts and accessories are destroyed or damaged.
English // 10:36, 4 марта 2009 // 3007

Leader of "PRORIV!" returned from Moscow

altOn February, 23rd, the leader of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!", Dmitry Soin, has returned from Moscow. As informs the press-service of  "PRORIV!", Dmitry Soin has spent a number of meetings with deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leaders of the youth, veteran organisations of Russia, and funds supporting compatriots abroad.
English // 16:16, 24 февраля 2009 // 2947

Youth is for participation in the politics!

altIYC-PDP "PRORIV!" organized youth march in Tiraspol. It has passed under slogans: «YES -Democracy! No - Bureaucracy!"; "Youth in policy!", "say "YES" to youth initiatives!».
English // 16:10, 24 февраля 2009 // 2898

Protection of democracy is the affair of all free people

altOSCE mission in Moldova agreed to send the observers on the legal process "PRORIV!" versus state administration of Tiraspol. The chief executive of youth corporation Alena Arshinova said the following: «It is very significant moment for us.
English // 09:58, 14 февраля 2009 // 3428

Democracy - YES! Bureaucracy - No!

alt“PRORIV!” and LDPR have spent a procession in support of democracy and freedom of speech! On February, 6 in Tiraspol activists of political parties for the first time in the history of republic held the procession in support of democracy, freedom of speech and civil society in Transniestria. The initiator of this procession was "PRORIV!".(photo, video)
English // 15:36, 7 февраля 2009 // 3203

Узбекистан готов ежегодно предоставлять России 31 миллиард кубометров газа

Президент Узбекистана Ислам Каримов на итоговой совместной пресс-конференции с президентом России Дмитрием Медведевым сообщил, что Узбекистан готов ежегодно предоставлять России до 31 миллиарда кубометров газа.
English // 14:31, 23 января 2009 // 2909

Italian journalists visited "PRORIV!"

altToday the journalists from the Italian publishing "Peace Reporter" have visited the office of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!". According the words of the foreign journalists, their publishing is especially interested in covering the flashpoint events, places where peoples struggle for independence and human rights and conflict zones on the post-Soviet territory.
English // 09:41, 23 января 2009 // 2538