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Transnistria strikes for democracy

English // 14:40, 4 октября 2011 // 2120

Transnistria is trying to establish democracy after long-running monopoly of political leadership. But one of the most fundamental European values –freedom of speech and belief – is ignored by the authorities in Transnistria!


In July/August 'Proriv' was being regularly attacked by the police which displayed the abuse of power. The matter was that members and adherents of a youth-led political party ‘Proriv’ installed tents with the slogan ‘For changes!’ in the streets of the cities of Transnistria. The reaction of the government was inadequate: the police required to remove the tents. However their attempts to exert pressure on young boys and girls who were peacefully distributing leaflets failed to produce the desired result, because the leader of ‘Proriv’ – the Supreme Council deputy Dmitriy Soin – upheld a democratic right of youth to express its political and civil position. He explained to policemen that actions of ‘Proriv’ were absolutely legitimate. So the ‘peace officers’ had to leave ignominiously.


As 'Lenta PMR' news agency reports, a few days later the police succeeded to arrest one activist of 'Proriv' Evgeniy Yurkovskiy. According to the police report a young boy tried to run away and impeded policemen to remove the tent. Though another activist recorded this event to her mobile phone where one could see that Evgeniy had made no resistance.  Unlawful actions by officials continued in the court: at the beginning of the court session activists of 'Proriv' who were giving moral support to Evgeniy weren't allowed even to come in! In addition the court seemed to protract the conflict because no judgment was delivered and the hearing of the case was carried over. Probably even the court is intimidated by the upper strata in this country so that it became dependent on commands from above.


The irony is that Dmitriy Soin and his party have already been persecuted by Moldova’s government for their will to be independent, to speak their native language, to feel Russian and now they were facing oppressions from the officials of their motherland!


Does it signify that the present leader of Transnistria Igor Smirnov is afraid that soon the popular will manifested by the anonymous inscriptions on walls ‘Smirnov, good-bye!’, ‘Smirnov, enough!’ may turn into reality? But should the panic evoked by the recognition of its own political obsolescence drive a government to commit vulgar undemocratic actions?