События в политике, обществе, спорте. Сводка происшествий. Интервью
iа.tirаs.ru@gmаil.соm // адрес редакции

Dmitry Soin: Transniestrian anchor for Moldova

altToday Transniestria is the only anchor which still keeps Moldova in the sphere of the Russian geopolitical influence despite huge financial, political, information and organizational streams from Romania, EU and the USA which are directed on the Euro Atlantic reorientation of Moldova.
English // 08:43, 16 декабря 2008 // 3903

"PRORIV" Represented Transniestria at the international youth forum in Moscow

altThe International Youth Forum of the CIS countries was held from the 26 till 29 November in Moscow. "Molodaja Gvardija", Russian Public Organization, was the initiator of this forum. This Youth Organization is the part of the party "Edinaja Rossija".12 delegations of the CIZ countries took part at this forum. Transniestria was the independent side at this Forum and  had been presented by the International Youth Corporation "PRORIV!".
English // 17:26, 2 декабря 2008 // 3517

Congratulation of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" with the Day of Mother in Russia

altThis holiday «Day of Mother» was established by the President of the Russian Federation on January, 30th, 1998 and it is celebrated at the last Sunday of November, doing justice to parent work and their selfless victims for the sake of their children.
English // 14:43, 30 ноября 2008 // 2747

“PRORIV!”: Take your hands off from Barrack Obama!

altAs declared the press-service of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!": "For the last period cases of offensive expressions against new president became more frequent. These statements have racist underlying reason, being directed on ridicule of African roots of Obama
English // 13:43, 21 ноября 2008 // 2813

“PRORIV!”: Take your hands off from Barrack Obama!

altAs declared the press-service of IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" :"For the last period cases of offensive expressions against new president became more frequent. These statements have racist underlying reason, being directed on ridicule of African roots of Obama.
English // 08:48, 20 ноября 2008 // 2636