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«PRORIV!» is claimed by Russia!

English // 12:18, 29 декабря 2009 // 3758
The youth pro-Russian movement's open letter of Transnistria.

altTo the president of the Russian Federation Medvedev Dmitry Anatolevich

Dear Dmitry Anatolevich!

The youth pro-Russian movement "PRORIV!" accesses to you from Transnistria. December, the 17th the most important event in the Russian youth’s life – delivery of the first youth national award, "PRORIV!", has taken place in the sport centre "Olympisky". It is a great honour for us young citizens of Russia from Transnistria that a political brand «PRORIV!» created by Transnistrian youth in 2005 has appeared to be claimed by our Big Native land – Russia. We have never separated ourselves from the Russian Federation and we rejoice the passports of this Great Power on our hearts.

Dear Dmitry Anatolevich! We rely on you very much as the president of our common country in respect of inclusion of the Russian youth from the near abroad as a whole and from Transnistria in particular into national Russian projects. I wish we participated in the modernization of Russia, in construction of modern competitive power. As the president of Russia and as simply progressive politician you may rely on active Russian youth from Transnistria. We can inform shortly the following about ourselves:

June, the 1st, 2005 the pro-Russian youth of Transnistria has created the International Youth Corporation «PRORIV!». Alain Arshinova the daughter of Russian officer has been elected as a leader of movement. The appeared youth movement was conceptually new idea. The bright colors and sensations modern marketing technologies were combined with harmonious ideological system grounded on democratic principles, patriotism and creativity in it. The love to Transnistria and Russia have laid down in a geopolitics basis of «PRORIV!». The care of youth, its future, connectivity of generations, support of veterans, pensioners, orphans, workers of budgetary sphere became base of social policy of movement. The development of all positive youth initiatives: in policy, business, humanitarian area, a science and creativity – have turned to the formula of success of The PDP "PRORIV!".

«PRORIV!» has appeared to be claimed at once. Those days external forces threatened Transnistria with "color" revolution (in the autumn 2004 "Orange" revolution has crowned success in Ukraine, and the similar scenario was predicted in Transnistria). It was planned to make motive force by the youth. The active youth has been gathered under solar banners of movement and it became its courageous advocate instead of being the tool of corrupting of the state. During the economic blockade of Transnistria and in a referendum of independence and to rapprochement with Russia, the youth defended The DMR near the walls of the international organizations and missions, on boundaries with Moldova and Ukraine, at the international forums and congresses. Spent by «PRORIV!» actions have been routed on struggle for saving of all sorts of the Russian presence at republic, on protection of the universal rights of Transnistrian, on counteraction to double standards of a part of the international community.

In a year of derivation of «PRORIV!» August, the 7th Ernesto Che Guevara's High school of Political Leadership has been founded with a view of creation, education and preparation of a political active for movement and other political organizations of Transnistria and the CIS countries. The training of Transnistrian youth to bases of conducting political strike, counteraction to "color scenarios” revolutions has been initiated on its base. The preparation of a personnel spare of «PRORIV!» became the primary aim of school. The author of the project, the leader and ideologist of the movement, the candidate of sociological science Dmitriy Soin became the director of Ernesto Che Guevara's High School of the political leadership.

Besides occupations, on base Ernesto Che Guevara's High School of the political leadership the seminars pass, devoted to problems of youth, a small-scale business, a slave-trade, to tendencies of modern world politics and a labor market with involvement of experts and heads of profile structures. Specially for youth experienced experts hold the trainings and the role games routed on disclosure of creative potential of young people and psychological stability to stresses. The special attention is given to struggle against addictions – alcoholism and narcotics. Sports projects and intellectual games develop.
The summer of 2006 Transnistrian political party - The People's democratic party «PRORIV!» had been registered The advocate of Transnistria Dmitry Soin's friend and colleague Alexander Gorelovsky has headed it. It was connected with the ideas of progressive youth movement began to be divided by people of advanced ages: intelligence, small and average businessmen, blue-collar and white-collar workers, veterans of war and work. The PDP "PRORIV!" the "adult" movement was created for them. Uniqueness of a situation consists the "adult" party hasn't created youth movement, but the youth movement has transformed into political party. This example of self-organization of youth, of success of the political youth project deserves an interest in the newest political history of the CIS.

The founders of movement have paid special attention to its informational support at once. There are the news agency "Lenta PMR" (www.tiras.ru) and the paper "Russky PRORIV" among the most successful media projects.

The struggle for the international recognition of Transnistria and maximum rapprochement of republic with the Russian Federation are the key link of ideology «PRORIV!». The Movement is proud of it has started to such patriotic actions and holidays, as «Day of Russia», «Day of the Russian flag», «the Constitution day of the Russian Federation», «the Georgievsky ribbon in Transnistria» in The DMR . In days when elections in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the President of Russia take place, «PRORIV!» carries on the campaign for an appearance of Transnistrian Russians-voters, for creation of comfortable and democratic conditions of voting. And the result speaks for itself: about 85 % of percent of voters with citizenship of the Russian Federation has voted for the candidate for presidents of Russia of Dmitry Medvedev in Transnistria. More than 80 % of Russians have voted for the party "Edinaya Rossiya" on the elections into the state Duma.

«PRORIV!» gives considerable attention to the international cooperation in its activity. We regularly hold meetings and conferences with involvement of diplomats, scientific, political scientists, politicians and religious figures of the different countries of the world in a conference hall of Ernesto Che Guevara's High School of the political leadership. Since 2006 «PRORIV!» has been making connections with the Irish, Portuguese, German, Italian, French and other foreign non-governmental organizations. But connections with young generation of Russia have strategic value. "PRORIV!" works and realizes joint projects with such large youth movements of The Russian Federation as "Molodaya Gvardiya Edinoi Rossii", "Rossiya Molodaya" and etc. We take part in scout camps on Seliger, in Novorossisk, Lipetsk, Crimea and other places where the youth oriented to Russia is gathered.

We render advisory and humanitarian support to citizens of Russia requiring it. We defend unique peace making operation of the Russian Federation and a finding in Transnistria the Limited Group of the Russian Armies. «PRORIV!» sates with signs and characters of the Russian Federation as much as possible informational and political area of Transnistria. It is especially important to compromise a historical role of Russia in a context of attempts of certain forces in Moldova and Ukraine. Every month ten thousand calendars, booklets and newspapers with symbolic of Russia, with the objective and positive information on regional and global mission of the Russian Federation are extended by us.

«PRORIV!» is the ready Russian regional informational and political unit consisting of youth movement, party, school for preparation of an active and powerful media potential (the newspaper «Russky PRORIV!», the publishing typographical complex and the most rating regional news agency «Lenta PMR»). We have political proved «credit history» in the form of numerous actions in support of Russia, Transnistria, patriotism, peace and cooperation. There is the basis of our positive political reputation in it.

Since the moment of its derivation/ June, the 1st, 2005, we worked over development and brand distribution of «PRORIV!». Today almost every large world mass media (if Russia, the CIS countries, the Western Europe and the USA) have shined activity of The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!". There were both critical and positive materials, but the main thing consists, we have talked about in the world. Informational work continues and we see the perspective thing, we are written about as the most consecutive pro-Russian regional movement. Thus, we are proud we carry both Transnistrian flags and our flags a banner of the Russian Federation.

Dear Dmitry Anatolevich! If Moldova was not developed from geopolitical winds blowing from Romania, Transnisria always was, and is the true friend and the ally of Russia. And our «PRORIV!» will make much for growth of authority and influence of the Russian Federation in locale at level of a civil society.
With a deep respect, leader of The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!", Dmitry Soin

Tiraspol, Transnistria