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Members of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv’ persecuted in the State University of Transnistria

English // 15:59, 4 октября 2011 // 2417

As ‘Lenta PMR’ news agency got to know, by the order of the director Stepan Beril the University security service in cooperation with the state security bodies ascertains those students and professors who are the members of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv’. It is said that this is being done for the further expulsion of students and the dismissal of professors. 


Students suppose Stepan Beril to be very annoyed with the politicization of the students who are flatly refusing to support the incumbent president Igor Smirnov and are actively joining an opposition. In particular the issue is the students’ and professors’ contributing to the work of the parties ‘Obnovlenie’ and ‘Proriv’. Stepan Beril himself is being severely pressurized by the administration of Igor Smirnov to neutralize the dissent in the State University.


The vice-chairman of the Youth Parliament of Transnistria, activist of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv’ Olga Ievleva described this actual situation as ‘The start of the witch-hunt season’.