События в политике, обществе, спорте. Сводка происшествий. Интервью
iа.tirаs.ru@gmаil.соm // адрес редакции

“PRORIV!” becomes socially oriented party


 According to the press service of the International Youth Corporation and People’s Democratic Party “PRORIV!”, this party becomes socially oriented.

In their statement they said: “At the joint sitting of the central committee of people’s democratic party and executive committee of the International Youth Corporation “PRORIV!” there was made a decision to start active struggle aimed at preserving and increasing of the social guarantees for people in the first place in the sphere of education, public health, pension plan, increasing of the basic benefits of orphans, disabled people, veterans of war and labor.

English // 08:13, 13 мая 2008 // 2932

“PRORIV!” congratulates Dmitriy Medvedev on inauguration

altInternational Youth Corporation and People’s Democratic Party “PRORIV!” congratulates Dmitriy Medvedev on inauguration. Russian citizens living in Pridnestrovie do not lose their links with Great Homeland and take an active part in political life of the country. So this year the overwhelming majority of Pridnestrovian people showed high attendance at the presidential election and voted for the candidacy of Dmitriy Medvedev.
English // 17:28, 7 мая 2008 // 3660

“PRORIV!”: No rise in prices!


Today is the usual anniversary of the May-Day celebration and “PRORIV!” started republic-wide action “No rise in prices!”.

The press service of the movement informs that this action is connected with deep alarm of “PRORIV!” members and the whole population of Pridnestrovie because of uncontrollable rise in prices both in shops and markets of the republic. Most of the pensioners and employees of government-financed organizations can not afford elementary food stuff, to say nothing of buying clothes and household appliances.

English // 20:21, 1 мая 2008 // 3242

Maxim Mishenko: There is “PRORIV!” in Pridnestrovie


The leader of the movement “Young Russia”, the deputy of Russian State Duma in his interview to the portal “kreml.org” disproves the myths of dishonorable Pridnestrovian propagandist, who try to connect the action “St. George ribbon” with doubtful fellows and phantom organizations.

The movement “Young Russia” takes an active part in the national action “St. George ribbon”.

English // 20:25, 29 апреля 2008 // 3173
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