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The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!": the human rights should be firm and they be observed strictly

English // 13:17, 10 декабря 2009 // 3208
altDecember, the 10th, was 61 last the acceptance of the General Declaration of human rights by the UNO. This document proclaims the rights of the person, the civil and political rights and freedoms, that is to say equality of all before the law, everyone's rights to freedom and inviolability of person, a freedom of worship and other integral human rights.

Nowadays the human rights have got really world value. They became an indicator of civilization of the states and a standard of their citizens' prosperity, a source of the decision of the most important state and personal problems in their displays. The General Declaration has become a model for many national constitutions, laws, the statutory acts directed for protection of basic rights of the person.

The IYC-PDP "PRORIV!" realizes the importance of acceptance of this international document together with all world democratic public. Nowadays the importance of The General Declaration is assured to be much more to the point of right, policy and moral, than when it was accepted more than half of century ago. The human rights are made sure should be firm and be observed strictly.