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International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

English // 09:10, 9 декабря 2008 // 2881
The International Congress of public associations, political parties and movements, devoted to protection of the conventional human rights in conflict regions today took place in Tiraspol. President of Transniestria Igor Smirnov, the chairman of Supreme body of Transniestria Evgeniy Shevchyuk, authorized on affairs of person in Transniestria Vasily Kalko, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Transniestria and Republican Coordination Council took part in the Congress. Delegates from Russia, Ukraine, the Nagorno-Karabakh republic, from South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Belarus and public organizations of Transniestria also participated in the Congress.

Delegates and participants of the Congress will present the reports devoted to the protection of human rights in the conditions of regional conflicts, the right of the people to self-determination and priorities of the political organization of the society in the conditions of the conflict. On termination of the performances participants of the Congress will accept and will announce the total resolution.

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol

International Congress in protection of human rights in Tiraspol