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New 'Maydan' may appear in Tiraspol, Transnistria

English // 21:46, 11 декабря 2011 // 2257

MaydanAs ‘Lenta PMR’ (Lenta TMR) news agency reports, today, on December 11 just after closing of polling stations the central place of the capital of Transnistria Tiraspol is supposed to be packed by supporters of incumbent president Igor Smirnov who is also running for presidency. The Integral Council of employees of Transnistrian Moldovan Republic has already reserved the Constitution Place. Mobilization of the adepts of Igor Smirnov including activists of youth organizations is under way for this evening. They may proclaim victory of Igor Smirnov before votes are counted at polling stations.


At the same time officers of the Department of Defense, Ministries of Home Affairs and State Security and military men are summoned to their duty stations. The mobilization of members of search-and-rescue detachments is also announced. So on the night of December 11-12 confrontation between political forces may result in serious events in the format of ‘street element’.