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The candidate for presidency of Transnistria Dmitry Soin gave an interview to PMRinform news agency

English // 15:10, 9 декабря 2011 // 2643

soinThe candidate for presidency of Transnistria Dmitry Soin answered questions of journalists from the PMRinform news agency about pre-election process in general, his personal program, steps for salvation of Transnistrian economics and relationship with close neighbors.


As journalists got to know the cornerstone of Dmitry’s Soin presidential activity would be furious fight against corruption because this art of getting a financial profit from power is flourishing in all spheres of civic life and destroys society. To root out corruption requires strong measures and decisive actions. That is why Dmitry Soin considers necessary to create an anticorruption commission with wide powers. It would be authorized to interfere with private life of officials who are supposed to steal lot of sate money. Commission would also be able to find out the origin of their detached houses, luxury goods and expensive cars. So if the fault is proved, the guilty official will be whether granted amnesty which nevertheless makes him return half of stolen money whether inprisonned with total confiscation of property. Dmitry Soin deems such measures are efficient because corruption hampers development of economics, agricultural sector and business in the Republic. Powerful corrupt schemes allow officials to appropriate investments and no one wants to invest money in the country where whoose state budget is regularly stolen. That is why struggle against corruption is one of the most principal objects.


Then the candidate continued with explaining his position about the future of the state formation of Transnistria. He thinks it is important to be on friendly terms with countries situated quite near. Commenting on rumors about probable annexation to Ukraine spread by surroundings of incumbent president Igor Smirnov Dmitry Soin told Ukraine didn’t need Transnistria and official Kiev would not consider this initiative. Transnistria is surely a part of Eurasian society, and taking into consideration globalization processes it is necessary to cooperate not only with Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, but also with European Union. To be for Russia doesn’t mean to be against Europe, moreover, Russian élite tries to establish European standards in Russia – variety of media, parties, competition in political, social cultural spheres, said Dmitry Soin.


Answering the question about ways of overcoming economical crisis Dmitry Soin made an emphasis on 2 points: fierce struggle against corruption and mobilization of investment. As the country has no more internal resources it needs external means and neutralization of corruption, nepotism and bribery could be the most powerful internal investment in a prosperous future of Tansnistria. Today almost every system, every institution of Transnistria is infested with corruption. The unrecognized status of the republic as well as perversion of morality, distrust of justice and humiliation of a person out of mercenary motives frighten foreign businessmen off.  Dmitriy Soin pledged to correct the actual situation when realization of any project in Transnistria is equal to enormous bribe.


Dmitry Soin said he was adept of post-industrialization. Of course Transnistria requires highly developed industry and agriculture but at the same time modern society must be based on advanced level of non-material. As the republic is situated in a very favorable climatic zone, tourism, new technologies in medicine, education could be very asked-for. Dmitry Soin cited the example of Cuba which despite its reputation of ‘a last stronghold of socialism’ attracts rich people all around the world by its technologies in medicine. Furthermore the candidate told modern youth wants realize itself in creativity that is why new government must do its best to provide all requisite conditions for the emergence of Transnistrian stars of cinema, music etc.


In conclusion the candidate suggested Transnistrians thinking about the strategy of development of their heroic motherland before this presidential election. Dmitry Soin also urged citizens to answer such a question: will not the probable victory of the actual government be artificial and imaginary if the old system is alive for year or two and then collapses in a social explosion?