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Dmitriy Soin to deal with allowances in US dollars in State Security bodies

English // 16:30, 7 октября 2011 // 3094

On October 6 the deputy of the Supreme Council of Transnistria Dmitriy Soin voiced  a sensation in his press conference: the leader of the Democratic Party ‘Proriv!’ got to know that crew and headquarters of the Ministry of State Security had been being paid allowances in foreign currency, namely in US dollars, since 2008!!! But in the law of Transnistria there is no document that incorporates payments in US dollars for officers of State Security bodies.


Dmitriy Soin said the activity of the service devoted to defend security of the state and its citizens was really aimed at demoralization and manipulation with consciousness of the officers for the purpose of influencing their world-view, undermining their moral principles. As ‘Lenta PMR’ reports referring to ‘publika.md’ news agency Dmitriy Soin intends to examine allowances in Us dollars in State Security agencies. 


Dmitriy Soin has written an open letter to the prosecutor of the republic with the demand to deal with this amoral situation. He insists on a special inspection that will happen to find out the origin of currency resources and expects these measures to prevent degradation of the department which is responsible for security of this unrecognized state.