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The second round of presidential election in Transnistria

English // 13:02, 25 декабря 2011 // 1958

As Lenta PMR (TMR) reports referring to the source of information from the Central Election Committee of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, today on December 25 at 7 a.m. all the 259 polling stations were opened for the second round of presidential election. The ballot paper for the re-voting includes two candidates for President of Transnistria:


deputy of the Supreme Council of TMR Kaminsky Anatoly Vladimirovich,


deputy of the Supreme Council of TMR Shevchuk Evgueny Vassilievich.


Polling stations are opened from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Citizens can apply for voting outside the location till 4 p.m.