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Irish guests received in the office of the People’s Democratic ‘PRORIV!’ Party

English // 23:20, 26 января 2012 // 7158

ирландские гостиAs ‘Lenta PMR’ reports, a friendly meeting of the parliamentary, Chairman of the People’s democratic ‘PRORIV! Party Dmitry Soin and guests from Ireland – Doctor of Philosophy of the Faculty of Law and Management of the University of Dublin Donnacha O’Beachain, Scientist of the University of Dublin Karolina Stefanczak - and Political Counsellor of the OSCE mission in Moldova Lyndon Allin was held on January 26  in the office of 'PRORIV!' in Tiraspol.


Ph.D. Donnacha O’Beachain visited the Ernesto Che Guevara High School of Political Leadership before he conversed with Dmitry Soin. Yulia Zhukova, Vice Chairwoman of the People’s Democratic ‘PRORIV!’ Party, told the Irish researcher about the School, interests of modern day youth of Transnistria and presented a reference book containing information on the activity of the International Youth Corporation-People’s Democratic Party ‘PRORIV!’. At the end of the meeting a photo with activists of the IYC-PDP ‘PRORIV!’ was made.


Then Dmitry Soin answered the guests’ questions on the internal politics, economic and social situation in Transnistria. Moreover the Chairman of the PDP ‘PRORIV!’ made emphasis on the activity and main areas of the work of Party, Youth Corporation and Ernesto Che Guevara High School of Political Leadership.


Dmitry Soin pointed out: ‘The central aim of the ‘PRORIV’ and the School is to prepare youth for living in modern political and economic conditions. As far as the School was launched it admitted trasnsnistrian and foreign students including the youth from the EU. We taught them applied political technologies, forms and methods of creation of their own party, social and informational projects. Our graduates were highly desirable in Transnistria and abroad’.


Guests from Dublin were particularly surprised by the ancient contacts of the ‘PRORIV!’ and the Ernesto Che Guevara High School of Political Leadership with representatives of Ireland. The fact that there is a book of the competent Irish public figure Jerry Adams describing the way of Ireland to peace and accord in the Dmitry Soin’s library was a pleasant surprise. At the end it was decided to continue communication which is useful in all respects.