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Tiraspol playing games: MAFIA is immortal!

English // 19:03, 6 января 2012 // 5900

playing MAFIA

As ‘Lenta PMR’ news agency reports, on the initiative of the parliamentary, deputy and leader of the movement ‘PRORIV!’ Dmitry Soin a meeting of adepts of the Mafia game took place in Tiraspol on January 5. Event invitations were sent on the social network ‘Odnoklassniki’ (www.odnoklassniki.ru). As a result participants of the game consisted of absolutely different people of different age and professions; many of them met each other for the first time. 


It is also worth mentioning that Mafia was chosen non-randomly. Mafia – is an intellectual party role-playing game with a detective story modelling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. We often face such a situation in reality while fighting against corruption, organized crime and other destructive phenomena in a social life. Dmitry Soin is known for upholding the idea of a fierce anti-corruption struggle in Transnistria.


After the game series had been ended, participants of the game had a chance to communicate personally with Dmitry Soin.The Chairman of the ‘PRORIV!” People’s Democratic Party told guests of the meeting such events would go on. Moreover, ‘The School of Development’ is going to be open. It will provide the program of self-management to improve communication skills, to develop strengths and talents, to identify and to execute personal potential.


‘We should not surf the Internet only, we’d better meet in a real life, establish useful connections and work on a personal development. Such meetings help to expand horizons, discover new passions and make new acquaintances. This is especially important for young people whose social and psychological problems are often related to the lack of a normal alive communication’, stressed Dmitry Soin.


All players admitted to plunging with enthusiasm into the game and said they would continue to participate in this project.  They expressed their will to take part in other events initiated and organized by Dmitry Soin.


playing MAFIA


playing MAFIA


playing MAFIA