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Great Britain getting more interested in Transnistria

English // 13:47, 24 января 2012 // 5495

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As ‘Lenta PMR’ news agency reports on January 21 the meeting of the deputy of the Supreme Council of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic, Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party ‘PRORIV!’ Dmitry Soin and the representative of the ‘Memorial Fund of Winston Churchill’, writer Rory MacLean and photographer Nick Danziger was held.


The ‘Memorial Fund of Winston Churchill’ is a cultural organization which promotes mutual understanding among people. Rory MacLean and Nick Danziger were specially delegated by the Fund to visit Transnistria. The purpose of the visit was to create an illustrated book and a photo exhibition as means of reaching mutual understanding between Transnistrians and inhabitants of the former Kingdom of Great Britain.


During the conversation with Dmitry Soin the foreign guest inquired about the history of Transnistria, perspectives of the development of the Republic and geopolitical issues. Dmitry Soin pointed out: ‘The perspectives of the state development of the Region could be created by the means of democratic transformations and economic reforms only. The manner of thinking of elites and civil society should be changed. Let everything be based on a mutual control and competition and then we’ll see, surprised, life start improving. People must breathe freely. We should develop our party system, the area of independent mass media and influential non-government organizations. For that purpose, I have instituted the journalistic award ‘People’s control’ which presupposes the contest of best critical published works concerning activity of the authorities: from the president, the prime minister and deputies to ordinary functionaries. This will be one of my contributions to the democratization of Transnistria'.   


British guests asked Dmitry Soin about his political views, passions and yoga practice. The format of the conversation was very interesting and productive.


The Vice Chairwoman of the PDP ‘PRORIV!’ Yulia Zhukova also conversed with a prominent writer. She talked to him without interpreter. ‘It was very interesting for me to communicate with Rory MacLean and ask his questions.He was interested in different aspects: job placement of young people, migration, political activity and opinions of our activists on a country we want to live in. I express my profound gratitude to our guests for this great opportunity to tell foreign audience about Transnistrian youth. Furthermore this was a perfect practice for my English’, said Julia Zhukova.


At the end of the meeting British guests received souvenirs from the PDP ‘PRORIV!’ – notebooks with the picture of Ernesto Che Guevara and the Manifesto of the International Youth Corporation ‘PRORIV!’.


Piece of information:

Rory MacLean is the author of nine award-winning books.

Nick Danziger took photos of world leaders from Dalai Lama to Hamid Karzai. He has also spent 30 days with Tony Blair and created outstanding pictures of the prime minister during his conversations with George Bush, Jacques Chirac and others.