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Dmitry Soin: 'A healthy criticism will consolidate the unity of people and ruling elites in Transnistria'

English // 11:01, 29 декабря 2011 // 5886

соинThe deputy of the Supreme Council of Transnistria, chairman of the International relations and foreign policy commission, leader of the ‘PRORIV!’ People’s Democratic Party Dmitry Soin instituted a new public journalistic prize ‘People’s control’.


The goal of the initiative is to encourage journalists and media people to criticize shortcomings of the work of all the branches of power, make known facts of corruption, arbitrary rule and heartlessness. The prize will be public and the authors of the best publications will receive diplomas and a material remuneration. 


A competent jury formed of representatives of the civil society will choose winners. Works containing unverified facts will not be accepted.


As Dmitry Soin pointed out, ‘The central aim of the prize consists in stimulating freethinking, spreading truth, criticizing abuse of public office for private gain and lawlessness as well as showing to all the international community that time of totalitarianism and persecution of dissenters in Transnistria became the phenomena of the past. The idea of the prize emerged in June of this year when we fought for democracy. It was the time of pressure exerted by authorities, the period of unlawful searches, offices-breaking, arrests and even beating of our activists. My initiative was born in the struggle, tested by the time and that is why it is urgent. If we start a new period in the history of our Republic, we need authority ready to criticism and dialogue with society. This is an original test on democracy. The retiring authority caused many problems in economics and politics.  The development of multi-party system, a real civil society and independent mass-media was frozen, though recognition of the TMR is impossible without these components. Nowadays the power and civil society are to deal with these issues, and critical essays will consolidate the unity of people and ruling elites’.


Journalists and simply the people claiming to the award will be offered following nominations:

  1. The best critical essay on the President.
  2. The best critical essay on the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the TMR.
  3. The best critical essay on a transnistrian minister.
  4. The best critical essay on deputies of all the levels in Transnistria.
  5. The best critical essay on heads of a region, a city/town or a village.
  6. The best critical essay on a concrete corrupt official.
  7. The best critical essay on a abuse of power in a budgetary and other important field of social life.

Project official start: January 2012.