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Dmitry Soin: to overcome crisis in the mind

English // 10:21, 6 января 2009 // 2727
Today only the laziest does not speak about crisis. It is not surprising, because it, really, has affected practically everybody - from very rich to very poor. Someone refused to purchase a new yachts and jewelry and someone changed two meals a day to three meals in a week. There are thousands ways to overcome crisis today, but none of them works. Somebody told, that crisis is like a tidal wave. At a certain stage of development of economy there comes obligatory recession after which we see economic lifting. But what can we, common people, do with the crisis? Can we affect it?
Perhaps, for any sane person the answer is unequivocal. No, we can not do anything with crisis. As the presidents, magnates, oligarchs cannot affect it … If the mighty of this world shows the uttermost impotence in this question that usual people can make not burdened the power and in billions dollars?
Perhaps, for any sane person the answer unequivocal. On crisis - is not present. As  the presidents, magnates, oligarchs cannot affect it … If the mighty of this world shows the uttermost impotence in this question that usual people can make not burdened the power and in billions dollars? They need - to save themselves and their families. Someone changes work, someone cuts down the family budget, refuses to buy new things. With skilful hands and sober head actually it is not too difficult to survive in the conditions of crisis. I remember a television plot about succeeding broker from Wall Street. When he has lost work at a stock exchange he did not stayed unemployed as his hundreds colleagues but has gone to work as the sanitary technician. Now he completely provides himself and his family with a constant wealth. All the sane people should behave in the same way. To maneuver, to cut down expenses, to change work. In the conditions of crisis people shouldn’t expect a lot from the state, officials and oligarchs. They rescue themselves as well we do. Even if they will sacrifice something, it will be not their interests but most likely ours. At the same time the simple person has advantages.
So, a simple person does not have huge state and companies debts, he is not obliged to pay huge percent on credits, to think, where to take salaries, pensions how to keep industrial potential. Therefore it is enough for a simple person to provide himself and his family with all necessities. But how it is better to do? And how to finв out in what condition is easier to solve difficult family problems?
First of all, in that condition when his mind is pure and sober. Therefore, if someone in the conditions of crisis has decided to leave in hard drinking or to start use drugs it will simply ruin himself and his family. The sobriety and absence of other bad habits should become the norm of a life in this period of crisis.
The despondency, pessimism, panic are the most pernicious conditions of the consciousness for any person. They kill even earlier, than the bullet will achieve the target. In such conditions you will not be able to live or work. We should oppose them optimism, confidence of the forces, the raised working mood and calmness. The person will not survive in rigid crisis conditions without these qualities.
In the days, when there is no money, work and prospects many lose a human face - vent harm on relatives, become stale and severe. People chose false and very dangerous way. They use criminal ways to earn money, they loose conscience and sin concept.  Holding humanity, you reserve the right for life. Without the best human qualities, such as kindness, decency, justice, generosity and honesty there is no future. We are not the powerful people of the world who sometimes have to lie and abuse their position. It will do harm for common man. This year of the Yellow Bull is a year of usual people, workers. Because all the life we stick as an ox to support ourselves and our families. I’m sure that is one of the reasons why we should give a toast for year 2009.