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Dmitry Soin and Rory MacLean talking about Transnistria (part 1)

English // 10:00, 30 января 2012 // 5771

МаклейнRory MacLean: I’m very interested in symbols. And why Che Guevara? Why did you choose Che Guevara as your symbol? What does he mean for you?


Dmitry Soin: Many foreign guests inquire about it, because they often associate Che Guevara with the youth movement with a left political orientation. Founding our organization we needed political personalities well known not only in Transnistria but also abroad which attract young people. And Che Guevara seemed to me the most optimal figure combining significant politician, romantic and revolutionary. By the way, I was even reproached for having chosen not a local hero, but Che Guevara. And I said our movement will spread far outside the country and it is necessary that our symbol be recognizable.  


Rory MacLean: I have been here for only 4-5 days, but we see almost everywhere Lenin. And of course in the days of the Soviet Union the symbol, the statues of Lenin had great powerful and important historical associations, being the incarnation of his idea. Those statues are still here today. But there is no other remnant of communism within political system of Transnistria. Why is Lenin still everywhere?


Dmitry Soin:I think first of all this is a provincial inertia that matters. Whereas there was an international revolution in Transnistria, a nationalistic revolution broke out in Moldova. Thus two opposite revolutions were taking place simultaneously. Moldova was separating from the former Soviet space, logically, many statues of Lenin were pulled down and other symbols of the Soviet Union were destroyed there. To counterbalance it, Transnistria has chosen a political line which adds up to words ‘We don’t fight statues’. That is why statues are still here. As for me, I hold socialistic world-view though I have been being always against communist policies. This aroused hostility between ex-president of Moldova Voronin and me, and even now I can’t enter Moldova. Many monuments being still on their places, the Communist Party is present almost nowhere in our country excepting one deputy in the Supreme Council. I hope for the time to come when all those statues will be placed in a museum of the Socialist era. Really, they become more and more antiquated and the moment will come soon when they will resemble to ancient Scythian monuments whose meaning puzzles everyone.


Rory MacLean: And what statues will replace relics placed in a museum of the Soviet era?


Dmitry Soin: They should be replaced by the statues of those people who did something useful for our society.


Rory MacLean: You mean concrete persons but not a symbol leader?


Dmitry Soin: Sure. I mean people who created something, promoted the development of the society, contributed to the forward movement of the political and economic system.  


Rory MacLean: So, no more icons?


Dmitry Soin: Worshiping idols is condemned by the Bible and we should follow these principles.