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Who and why stops Transniestrian locomotive?

English // 08:38, 28 октября 2008 // 2785
Interview with the leader and ideologist of  IYC-PDP "PRORIV!", Dmitry Soin.

- Dmitry, if to compare Transniestrian region with the locomotive, what is its today's condition?
- If to compare our region with locomotive we can say that we appeared on a spare way expecting what side the arrow will turn. It is especially obvious after Russia recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but waits with the decision of the Transniestrian question. We can say that we are bared, our flanks are exposed with the rigid attacks of external forces interested in dismantle of Transniestrian statehood. Inside the country actively operate ideological «diversionary groups» and «guerrilla groups» of our opponents, the society is split according to the wealth sign and keeps complaint which will be splashed out under adverse circumstances.
Of course the International legal aspect of a today's uncertain condition of Transniestrian region is aggravated with the factor that our locomotive is extremely out of coal. In other words, our economic condition, a standard of living and social security of the population cause the big alarm. For eighteen years of independence in Transniestria we still do not have strong middle class, the support class of any state is not created. Glorified all over the Soviet Union the enterprises either were closed, or began to work in a quarter of former capacity, and the personnel including highly skilled engineers and working elite has not found themselves in a new society. And to say more exact dozens thousand transniestrians were not given the possibility to be retrained and enter into small and average business, to master new demanded specialties. That is why these people left in search of a better life for Russia, Europe, Turkey, the USA. Now almost all working Transniestrian enterprises have sharp deficiency of workers. Where you can take more workerеs? Certainly, it is impossible to accuse all local problems in it. Just recall in mind, how was undermined the industrial potential of Transniestrian region during customs wars and blockade. And the status of non-recognized state seriously complicates the development of business, industry, agrosector and sphere of services. But we have authority structures to solve these challenges in any conditions.
The general technical condition of the locomotive also demands fixedness attention. I mean a level of development of a civil society, the party system, and independent mass-media. These institutions appeared in our state during the years of independence. Moreover, there was a period in the early nineties when we advanced in it the adjacent countries. At least that our people have managed to self-organize, to select worthy leaders and to construct our own statehood. But then the backlog has begun. Certainly, it has objective reasons: our non-recognized republic and a syndrome of "the besieged fortress».
Today external players carefully investigate the condition of all brought above parameters of Transniestrian region to define if our locomotive is ready to become the independent and self-sufficient participant of the international relations with the legitimate international legal status.
If we want to become such a state we need modernization of all state and civil institutes, their reduction in conformity with the accepted international standards are required.

- Dmitry, how do you think, is our region ready to carry out these actual reforms?
Transniestrian region is ready to get under reform policy. Moreover, if you will look through information streams, statements of political leaders attentively it shows that there is an internal requirement in stage-by-stage reforming of sociopolitical system, meets the international standards. President Igor Smirnov speaks about it, the same declares the speaker Evgeniy Shevchyuk, many political parties think about it. Only some officials who have found direct and indirect benefits for itself in a present condition of our society are against it.
- Dmitry, recently Transniestrian mass-media published an interview with one of high-ranked Transniestrian official in which that has declared that the party system in our region “is farfetched” and that transition to elections in the Supreme body by party lists is premature. Can you give any comments on it?
- It seems to me, that this official by such statements has substituted not only himself, but the whole our region. All over the world, except North Korea and some dictatorial states like "Taliban", the multi-party system is the major symbol of the state maturity. Elections in the State Duma in Russia are also held by party lists. Ukraine, and Moldova, and the majority of other European states have the same system. When he said the party system in Transniestrian region is immature and elections by party lists are premature, this official has called into question 18 years of stage-by-stage development of Transniestrian statehood. Such a statement looks ridiculously especially when there are more than 10 parties registered and active enough and a rough discussion about reforming of the selective legislation in a direction of elections by party lists is conducted. In general, it is any nonsense or misunderstanding.

- Dmitry, but in the same interview that high-ranking official declares that Transniestrian region should build a traditional society in a counterbalance to the civil, accepted all over the world. What it is, not realized nonsense, the thought over provocation or simple ignorance of classical definitions of public formations?
- I will not give any comments on this statement. It is  too scandalous. I will just give you the definition of traditional society. It is taken from the academic sociological dictionary so each interested person can make sure of it:
«The TRADITIONAL SOCIETY (preindustrial society, a primitive society) - the concept focusing in the maintenance set of representations about preindustrial stage of development of mankind. Representations about traditional society are based, more likely, on its understanding as asymmetric to a modern society sociocultural model. Main feature of the economy of a traditional society is domination of natural economy. Commodity relations either are absent, or are focused on satisfaction of requirements of scarle layer of social elite. Main principle of the organization of social relations is rigid hierarchical stratification of the society. Thus the basic form of the organization of social relations for the suppressing majority of the population is rather closed, isolated community. Last circumstance dictates domination of the collectivist social representations focused on strict observance of traditional norms of behavior and excluding an individual personal freedom, no less than understanding of its value. In aggregate with caste division this feature practically completely excludes possibility of social mobility. The political power is monopolized within the limits of separate group (a caste, a clan, a family) and exists mainly in authoritative forms. Prominent feature of a traditional society considers or full absence of writing, or its existence in the form of the privilege of separate groups (officials, priests). Thus writing often develops in the language which is distinct from a spoken language of the overwhelming majority of the population ». Please excuse me for so full citing of definition of a traditional society, but I do not see another way. Just imagine yourself in such society where you were called by the leader. In other words, the absurd of the given idea is obvious. I hope that the official has just mixed something. But why didn't the advisers who should correct, edit it interview?
I'm assured that we should count just on the development of the civil society which can protect itself from arbitrariness of officials and influence policy of the state in interests of each concrete person.

- Dmitry, for several years already "PRORIV!" actively participates in different international programs, represents young generation of the country far beyond the borders of the region. What are the main topics you discuss at prestigious internationals forums?
- For years of existence "PRORIV!" we managed to make the main thing - to prepare a command of young professionals which want and are able to politicize, participate in social and humanitarian programs. Managers of "PRORIV!" fluently speak several languages, have prestigious education, wide outlook and are devoted to our business.
It is not ashamed to participate at international arena. Moreover, far outside Transniestria politicians, experts and journalists can easily identify "PRORIV!" by our solar colors. Actually we operate in a format of "the national Ministry of Foreign Affairs» advancing and creating a positive image of Transniestria in near and far abroad. Communicating with youth leaders, experts, politicians from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the European Union countries and the USA, we defend interests of Transniestria, we suggest to look objectively at a situation in a zone of the Moldo-Transniestrian conflict, we convince to refuse practice of double standards. We say, that Transniestria is small, but nevertheless it is the country of high standards, having all set of the state and public institutes. Our status of unrecognized state stops development of a civil society and carrying out the democratic reforms. Therefore giving to Transniestria the international legal status will allow to remove pressure of the besieged fortress and to redirect the state resources on the decision of internal social problems. We speak about it and we find understanding.
In the most complicated external and internal conditions "PRORIV!" is necessary for our republic.  In everything, from economy to geopolitics. Retardation of our locomotive can be favorable only to the corrupted officials, to the degrading pseudo-ideologists of the past days and opponents of Transniestria statehood. We are going to pass «the burning bridge» which can be slipped only on the high speed. If we will brake our train - the bridge will fall down and we'll remain on the grey and poor coast which is called past.